
What language is simtown in
What language is simtown in

what language is simtown in what language is simtown in

The new SimCity, however, rewards you for nearly everything. Knowledge came with time, however, and the game rewarded as much of it as I could spare to spend.

what language is simtown in

What I remember of the SimCity from my youth is a game that was hard - not so hard that my single-digit aged self couldn’t play with some degree of success, but just punishing enough that ignoring some of the finer points of transit planning, zoning and residential/commercial density could break my game in a very serious way. Besides the occasional sick-faced Sim, it took me weeks of in-game time to realize that I had done anything wrong. My favourite was the time I unwittingly placed a water filtration center in the middle of a polluted industrual zone, causing a large portion of the town to become sick. Or, when a mid-game foible left my factories without power, those in the affected zone remained for days before anyone thought to move out - and even then, the majority of factories remained. My Sims complain about crime constantly, for example, but despite having a single paltry police station for a city tens of thousands in size, the police seem to keep things in check. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

What language is simtown in